Mohamed Fathi Abdallah

Two Master's students gratduated from our lab


Congratulations to Eleonora Valentia Sode Muda (From Indonesia) & Maria Gracia Guzman Velasquez (from Venezuela) for defending their Master’s at Ghent University.

The two theses were under the supervision of Prof. Andreja Rajkovic (promoter), Dr. Mohamed Fathi Abdallah (co-promoter) and Mr. Wannes H.R. Van Hassel (tutor from Sciensano for Maria Gracia).

Eleonora studied the in vitro hepatic and intestinal toxicity of nanoplastics & microcystins (MC-LR) in the framework of the EU Imptox project, while Maria studied the natural accumulation and depuration of microcystins (MC-LR) in basil in the framework of the Cyantir project.


Picture Location: Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, UGent.