Mohamed Fathi Abdallah

Mohamed Fathi Abdallah

Short Bio (last update: Janurary 2024)

Researcher in Food Toxicology and Human Health.
F.R.S-FNRS mandate. Host institute University of Mons, Belgium.

My research is centered on understanding the risks associated with natural toxins and emerging environmental contaminants in food. This is done by applying LC-MS/MS methods for detection of mycotoxins and cyanotoxins. Also, through the use of in vitro models, I investigate the effects of these toxins as mixtures and their interactions with micro- and nanoplastics. This interdisciplinary approach bridges food toxicology and human health, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of complex challenges.

Previous Education, Training & Working experience

We are looking for motivated students and researchers to join our group. Please contact me for more details. 我们正在寻找积极进取的学生和研究人员加入您的团队. 请联系我了解更多详情  



20 December 2023

Mycotoxin contamination in the Arab world

Our review paper about "mycotoxin contamination in the Arab world" is now online in Mycotoxin Research Journal.


20 July 2023

Data Managment Plan Lecture

Introduction to DMP for the selected students for the Advanced Lab 10-Egypt Scholars Organization under the theme (Towards Mitigating the Climate Change Crisis).

Special issue